- After you have downloaded the file, back in Sitemap Automator, click on file in the menubar and select Publish Verification File. Then click on the Select Verification File and find the file that you just downloaded. The next step is to publish the file by either publishing to FTP or publishing to iDisk.
- Open the Preferences window and add any file extensions that you would like RAGE Sitemap Automator to scan. Lastly, if RAGE Sitemap Automator does not find all the pages on your web site it is very likely that Google can not find them either and in this case, your web site is a perfect candidate for RAGE Sitemap Automator.
Sitemap Automator is an application made by us, RAGE Software, developers of EverWeb. You can download Sitemap Automator by visiting this link you see here, or by just doing a quick Google search for Sitemap Automator. The first thing we will do is click on the New Sitemap button. Sitemap Automator. Sitemap Automator is a program that allows you to quickly submit your website to all search engines. The program allows you to instantly get important site feedback from search engines and you can fix any SEO problems with your site. The XML Sitemaps are compatible with Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com in addition to Google.
You can use a command line interface to automate all the major sitemap generator tools in the program.Sitemap Automator
Sitemap Automator
This means that you can also use external applications and bat / batch / script files.This enables you to run our sitemap generator software at regular intervals using e.g. Windows Task Scheduler.
Rage Sitemap Automator
- Parameters:
- ':%project-path%' : Where %project-path% should contain the active project file path. (Remember the colon before project path.)
- '@override_initfromproject=c:exampleprojectsinitfrom.ini@' : Overwrite the initial project settings used.
- '@override_rootpath=http://example.com@' : Overwrite website rootpath.
- '-autocreate' : Automatically create project files and related if they do not exist already.
- '-exit' : Exits when done.
- '-hide' : Always invisible and exits when done.
- '-scan' : Runs website scanner.
- '-stop0000' : Stops scan after a number of seconds, e.g. -stop600 stops scan after 10 minutes.
- '-save' : Saves project.
- '@override_exportpathdir=c:exampleexports@' : Overwrite general directory path used for e.g. CSV export data files.
- '-exportexternalcsv' : Exports all URLs data listed in 'external' tree view into a file called 'external.csv' located in project directory.
- '-exportinternalcsv' : Exports all URLs data listed in 'internal' tree view into a file called 'internal.csv' located in project directory.
- '-exportsitemapcsv' : Exports all URLs data listed in 'internal' tree view into a file called 'sitemap.csv' located in project directory.
- '@override_sitemapxmlpath=c:examplesitemap.xml@' : Overwrite where the generated XML sitemap files are stored.
- '-buildxml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML sitemap.
- '-buildnewsxml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML news sitemap.
- '-buildmobilexml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML mobile sitemap.
- '-buildvideoxml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML video sitemap.
- '-buildimagexml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML image sitemap.
- '-buildcodexml' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML code sitemap.
- '-buildrss' : Runs sitemap builder and creates RSS sitemap.
- '-buildtext' : Runs sitemap builder and creates text sitemap.
- '-buildtemplate' : Runs sitemap builder and creates template sitemap (usually HTML / XHTML).
- '-buildaspnet' : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML ASP.Net sitemap for use by ASP.Net controls.
- '-buildgraphdatadot' : Build a graph data file using dot / .gv file format which can visualized in other tools including GraphViz.
- '-build' : Runs sitemap builder and creates a sitemap of the selected type in project settings.
- '-buildall' : Runs sitemap builder for all kinds.
- '-robotstxt' : Creates a 'robots.txt' file.
- '-upload' : Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads the last generated sitemap.
- '-uploadall' : Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads all generated sitemaps.
- '-ping' : Performs sitemap ping notification.
- Examples for usage on Windows:
- [ 'c:microsyssitemapSitemap.exe' -exit -scan -build -upload -save ':c:microsyssitemapprojectsmy-project.ini' ].
- [ 'Sitemap.exe' -exit -scan -build -upload -save ':my-project.ini' ] - Here it is assumed my-project.ini is in the same directory as the executable.
- [ 'Sitemap.exe' -scan -build @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ]
- [ start ' 'Sitemap.exe' -scan -build @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ] - Launches asynchronously. Do not use spaces in parameters.
[ timeout 2 ] - Idle time to avoid problems with multiple instances launching at the exact same time.
- Examples for usage on Mac OS:
- [ open -n A1SitemapGenerator.app --args -scan -build @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ].
- [ open -n A1SitemapGenerator.app --args -exit -scan -build -save -autocreate ':/users/%name%/myprojects/shopexample.ini' @override_initfromproject=/users/%name%/myprojecs/mydefaults.ini@ @override_rootpath=https://shop.example.com@ ].
- Tips:
- To prevent a parameter value that contains spaces (e.g. if you are passing a directory path) from being broken up, enclose it inside a couple of '.
- In the above examples
refers to your user name in the given operating system.