- Learn Excel using Excel, online and interactively with intelligent feedback. Over 200 free exercises and tutorials, Sheetzoom teaches the hardest vlookup, if, pivot tables and charts in Excel.
- Excel @ in formula - Forum - Excel Spell number in excel 2007 indian rupees download - Forum - Office Software This document, titled « French/English Translations For Excel Functions », is available under the Creative Commons license.
- Cours Gratuit Excel En Francais
- Formation Excel En Francais Avec Animation
- Excel Francais En Ligne
- Application Excel En Francais
- Cours Excel En Francais
Sonos play from mac. Learn Excel using Excel, online and interactively with intelligent feedback. Over 200 free exercises and tutorials, Sheetzoom teaches the hardest vlookup, if, pivot tables and charts in Excel. Mac os bootable usb software.
CtrlN | create a new book |
CtrlO | display the Open dialog |
Ctrl' | display/undisplay the formulas |
CtrlF1 | display/undisplay the ribon |
Ctrl↑ | go to the empty cell/filled cell limit above |
Ctrl↓ | go to the empty cell/filled cell limit below |
Ctrl← | go to the empty cell/filled cell limit on the left |
Ctrl→ | go to the empty cell/filled cell limit on the right |
CtrlBeginning | go to cell A1 |
CtrlEnd | go to the cell which is the intersection of the last column with the last row |
F6 | move to the next pane |
ShiftF6 | move to the previous pane |
F5 CtrlT | display the 'go to' dialog |
Cours Gratuit Excel En Francais
SheetsCtrl⇞ | move to next sheet |
Ctrl⇟ | move to previous sheet |
ShiftF11 AltShiftF1 | insert a new worksheet |
CtrlF11 | insert a Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet |
CtrlShift⇞ | select the current and next sheet in the workbook |
CtrlShift⇟ | select the current and previous sheet in the workbook |
Ctrl* | select the region around the active cell |
CtrlSpace | select the column |
ShiftSpace | select the row |
CtrlShiftSpace | select all objects on a sheet |
CtrlA | select the whole sheet |
Ctrl1 | format cell |
CtrlG Ctrl2 | set the characters to bold (toggle) |
CtrlI Ctrl3 | set the characters to italic (toggle) |
CtrlU Ctrl4 | set the characters to underline (toggle) |
Ctrl5 | set the characters to strikethough (toggle) |
Ctrl5 | set the characters to strikethough (toggle) |
Ctrl% | apply the Percentage format with no decimal places |
Ctrl! | apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values |
DnD the selection border | move the selected cells |
ShiftDnD the selection border | move and insert the selected cells |
CtrlDnD the selection border | copy the selected cells somewhere else |
CtrlShiftDnD the selection border | copy and insert the selected cells somewhere else |
CtrlF | find |
CtrlH | replace |
F2 | edit active cell |
F4 | switch between relative and absolute references |
CtrlB | copy the data from the cell above |
CtrlD | copy the data from the cell at the left |
Ctrl' | copy the formula from the cell above into the active cell |
Alt↓ | allow to select one of the column values |
AltEnter | insert a newline |
Enter | complete cell entry and move down |
ShiftEnter | complete cell entry and move up |
Tab | complete cell entry and move right |
ShiftTab | complete cell entry and move left |
Ctrl+ | insert blank cells |
Ctrl- | delete selected cells |
Ctrl; | insert current date |
Ctrl: | insert current time |
Ctrl;SpaceCtrl: | insert current date/time |
Alt+ | insert sum formula |
CtrlShiftEnter | insert a matrix formula |
CtrlK | insert a hyperlink |
ShiftF2 | edit the cell's comment |
ShiftF3 | insert a function in the current formula |
Altnumeric keypad | insert the character corresponding to the type Unicode number |
Formation Excel En Francais Avec Animation
CtrlF3 | define cells' name |
CtrlShiftF3 | define cells' name from contents of rows and/or columns |
F3 | paste a name in the current formula |
Excel Francais En Ligne
F9 | calculate all sheets in all open workbooks |
ShiftF9 | calculate the active worksheet |
CtrlAltF9 | calculate all cells of all sheets in the all open workbooks, even if Excel thinks that the cells are not dirty |
CtrlShift& | apply the outline border |
CtrlShift_ | remove outline borders |
AltShift→ | group rows or columns |
AltShift← | ungroup rows or columns |
CtrlL | display/hide outline symbols |
Application Excel En Francais
misc.Cours Excel En Francais
CtrlP CtrlShiftF12 | display the Print Dialog box |
Ctrl_ | display/hide the standard toolbar |