C# Hello World Visual Studio Code

Profile (c) Citigroup, Inc. Is a holding company, which engages in the provision of financial products and services. It operates through the following segments: Global Consumer Banking. Visual Studio includes default 'Hello World' code in your project. (To do so, it calls the WriteLine method to display the literal string 'Hello World!'

  • The C# extension from the VS Code Marketplace. The F# extension (Ionide) from the VS Code Marketplace. Create a C# 'Hello World' app. Initialize a C# project: Open a terminal/command prompt and navigate to the folder in which you'd like to create the app. Enter the following command in the command shell: dotnet new console.
  • Step-by-step instructions for installing.NET and building your first Hello World mobile application for iOS and Android. Develop with free tools for macOSand Windows.

C# Hello World Example

Visual Studio Code (or VSCode at it usually known) has become one of the most widely used IDEs, and not by mistake. The interface is simple and very fast. Although it doesn’t have all of the goodies that come with “bigger” IDEs (Eclipse, PyCharm, Visual Studio), it has many extensions that fill parts of this gap. You can download VSCode here.

The best way to get started with a new IDE is by creating a simple project, and as usual, it will be “hello world”. Let’s do this step by step. You will be needing the .NET core SDK, which you can download here (make sure to download the SDK and not the runtime). I’m using Windows 10, VSCode 1.44.2 and .NET core 3.1 for this project.

Let’s open up VScode. This is the screen that pops up:

How To Use Visual Studio Code

To start, open a folder which will be the location where we write the program. I’ll put mine in c:devVSCodeCSharpHelloWorld. The window changes a bit and we are now looking at the contents of the folder. We’ll be using the built-in terminal, so open it up by clicking Ctrl+` or through the menu “View->Terminal”. It should look something like this:

Hello world in vs code

Unlike other IDEs, there is no built-in concept of a solution or project. There is something called a “Workspace” that allows us to work with multiple folders at a time, but that is for more advanced projects.

To create a new console application, navigate to the console, and write:

This creates a project file with the name of your directory, and a C# file called Program.cs that contains the code of the program. Now let’s run the program we have just created. Type in the console

C# Hello World Visual Studio Code Download

C# Hello World Visual Studio Code

You should see the text “Hello World!” written in the terminal.

Now let’s change the program to do a bit more, asking for your name and then writing “Hello <Your Name>”. Open the Program.cs file by double-clicking it. Your editor should look like this:

Now insert a new line above Console.WriteLine and type Console.. At this step, you would expect some kind of code complete/suggest to kick-in. But no! Code complete/suggest does not come bundled into VSCode (that is one reason it is so lean), but it is easy to add. Go to the “Extensions” view by clicking on the fifth icon on the left (or “View->Extensions”). You will be shown a long list of extensions that are available to install. For now, we just need the “C#” extension, so click on the “install” button right next to it.

After the extension is installed (no need to reopen the app, not to say reboot the computer!), navigate back to the “Program.cs” file, and write again Console.. Voila! The properties and methods of the class are shown. Continuing from where we left, add two lines to the main method, making it look like this:

Enter dotnet run again in the terminal. The program will ask for your name, write it and hit enter:


Lately, I’m working almost every day with VSCode, in parallel to both PyCharm and Visual Studio Enterprise and I enjoy it a lot. I still have the other IDEs open sometimes because not all the functionality in them exists in VSCode but with each release (and they move quite fast) it is getting better and better, without getting slower and bulky. Great job VSCode team!

C Compiler

I have more ideas for VSCode tutorials and with some time I’ll get to them soon. If you have a good one, leave a comment and I’ll add it to my list.

Pip install os x. Until next time, happy coding!

If you don't have a device to deploy to, you'll need to set up an Android emulator or use a device. If you've already done this, you can skip this step.


If this if your first time building a Xamarin application, you'll need to create a new Android Emulator. You'll see 'Android Emulator' in the debug menu. Click it to start the creation process.

This brings up a UAC prompt to be accepted and then the emulator creation process. The options are automatically populated for a base emulator. If required, change any options and then select Create.

At this point, you may be prompted to agree to the license agreement for the Android emulator. Read through and select Accept to continue the process. This will download the emulator images and finalize the creation of the emulator for use in Visual Studio.

Once the emulator has been created, you'll see a button that says Start. Click it.

You may receive prompt to enable Windows Hypervisor Platform. Follow the documentation to enable this feature for optimal performance.

C# Hello World Visual Studio Code

The Android emulator will launch. Wait for it to fully finish starting and you'll see it displayed in the Visual Studio debug menu. This may take some time if you aren't using hardware acceleration.

Your Android emulator has now been created and is ready to use. Next time you run Visual Studio, the emulator will appear directly in the debug target window and will start when you select it. Mac os x dual boot. If you ran into any issues or have performance issues with the emulator, read through the full setup documentation.

For this tutorial, we'll focus on setting up and deploying to Android. To deploy to the application to iOS, you'll need to configure the Remoted iOS Simulator for Windows or configure a device for deployment with Hot Restart.